Just fill in your email and we will email you a copy each month
Not currently meeting
A new comedy written by Mark Carey – Live and Local event Saturday 22nd February in Milton Village Hall
in Repton Village Hall Gallery during February. An exhibition of work by the Breaston Art Group will be on display in the gallery during February. The
Saturday 25th January in St Wystan’s Church, Repton from 1pm Starring ‘In Harmony Ensemble’, ‘Toucan’ Combined childrens choir from CODA, Chellaston Academy and Brian Jones.
All are welcome to an evening lecture by the Archivist at Repton School, exploring some of the stories he’s uncovered in the archives, from colourful and
For the month of December Repton Baby and Toddler Group will help us celebrate Christmas with a seasonal show of their art work and decorations in
First Wednesday of each month 10am -11.30amPLEASE NOTE IN JANUARY THE LIBRARY WILL BE OPEN ON THE 8 TH NOT THE 1 STAll are welcome
Just fill in your email and we will email you a copy each month