Dialling Code for the Area is 01283
Repton Parochial Church Council:
Organist & Choirmistress: Abigail Johnson 07515 660922 abipiano@hotmail.co.uk
Dorcas Group (Sewing): Wendy Mann 537813
Flower Rota: Frances Wimbush 703180
House Groups: an opportunity to meet for bible study.
Stephen Longden 703259 or Julia Stentoft 704436
Messy Church: Johanna Owens & Liz Motley. Email: stwystansmessychurch@hotmail.co.uk
Tower Bell Ringing, Repton: Captain David Roberts 702159
Guide and Scout Movement
Rainbows: Lucy Smith 07843 114449. Email reptonrainbows@outlook.com
Brownies: Leader Sally Boddy 541515 reptonbrownies@btinternet.com
The 1st Repton Scout Group
Group Scout Leader: Rebecca Auterson 704640 rebecca_auterson@hotmail.com
Beavers: Liz Massey-Beeston 07866 929912 lizmb55@gmail.com or armhough@@btinternet.com
Cubs: Jez Brooks 07799 882338 jezbrooks@hotmail.co.uk
Scouts: Peter Tubby. peter_tubby@hotmail.com
All uniformed groups meet at The Den, Mitre Drive, Repton.
For all enquiries regarding The Den please submit an enquiry form to www.southderbyshirescouts.org/contact-us
Repton Parish Council:
Chair: Jonathan Sheldon 704165
Clerk: Caroline Crowder clerk@repton-pc.gov.uk
701309 or 07341 907137
Newton Solney Parish Council:
Chair: Deborah Smith 15 Main Street
Clerk: Sue Stack E. clerk@newtonsolneyparishcouncil.gov.uk 07708 663342
Repton Baby and Toddler Group:
Email reptonbabyandtoddler@gmail.com
Repton Over 65’s Coffee Group:
Contact: Victoria Dunn. Tel: 07825 329248
Email: vickdunn1969@gmail.com
Repton Village History Group:
Tim Norman Email: tjnorman4@yahoo.co.uk
Repton Sports Centre
Tel 559326. Email sportscentre@repton.org.uk
Repton Lunch Goup:
For Lunch club contact Kiki Muir 702350
For Elderly Community Car Help 551766
Repton Neighbourhood Watch
Adrian Gillham. 703340 adrian.gillhjam@btinternet .com
Repton Casuals Football Club, Broomhills Lane:
Chair Keith Hanson 07872 939315
Secretary Rick Bhardwaj 07477 787679
Newton Solney Pre-School: Trent Lane Newton Solney adjacent to the infants school.
Gill Williamson 0788 423171 www.newtonsolneypreschool.co.uk
St Wystan’s School:
Kara Lebihan 703258 www.stwystans.org.uk
Newton Solney Neighbourhood Watch:
Roger Charles – rogercharles53@gmail.com
Repton Royal British Legion:
Chair: Zandra Worton 07834 517380 Secretary: Brian Robb 07538 397790
Village Halls:
Repton: Bookings 07707 492760 bookings@reptonvillagehall.org.uk
Milton: Lettings – bookings@miltonmatters.org.uk
Newton Solney: Lettings-
Women’s Institutes:
Repton: President Anne Munnien 07817 334254
Newton Solney: President Vicki Oldknow 07980 988958
Repton Community Choir
Director Isabel Hurley
Email: the professionalvoice@hotmail.co.uk
Repton Bridge Club
Kiki Muir 702350