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ANDY SMART Painter & Decorator: reasonable prices. 01283 819074
BURTON AERIAL SERVICE: For ALL your Aerial, Satellite and TV requirements. CCTV & Alarm systems -designed to suit your requirements & budget. Call 01283 510222
PILATES CLASSES: Face to Face and Zoom. Newton Solney, Repton and Willington village halls. All exercises layered to sit beginners/Intermediates. Pilates will help to improve muscle strength, balance, posture and create a more streamlined appearance. Call Milly to book 01283 703888/07962 249615.
VISITING FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER: Caroline Frater DipCFHP, R.G.N., MPSPract. For all your foot health needs including corns and callous, verruca, ingrowing toe nails, care of the diabetic foot, nail trimming. Have Healthy Feet. Tel: 01283 509401 or 07815 171218Face to Face and Zoom.