A Place of Memorial at St Wystan's
Remembering our Loved Ones
As Covid continues many of us have been unable to attend the funeral of a loved one or a friend. Many can’t visit the graves of loved ones because of travel restrictions. With Mothering Sunday [March 14th] and Easter [April 4th] both falling in the next few weeks, not being able to do such things will be all the harder to bear.
From Monday March 1st until mid-April we have set aside this area as a Place of Memorial. The Cross is made out of the Christmas Trees used in Church this last December.
Anyone is most welcome to come and place flowers, photos, momentos, or any item with special significance on the ground either under the tree or around the Cross.
If you wish to hang a prayer, photo, ribbon or lightweight momento from the tree you are most welcome to do so.
All we ask is that you don’t leave anything made from glass, or which is dangerous or easily breakable, and please, do not hang things from the tree over the path. We reserve the right to remove items that are not ‘safe’.
Marie Curie National Day of Reflection on Tuesday March 23rd at 11.50 am
Marking 1 year since the first lockdown began there will be a short act of remembering and giving thanks leading up to the 1 minute of silent reflection at 12.00noon. Again, anyone is most welcome to come along for that special time.
At our services on Mothering Sunday and Easter a special prayer will be said for all our loved ones departed, especially those remembered in this place.
We plan to clear the area later in April so would ask if you wish to retrieve a momento you do so before Monday April 19th.
We do pray continually for all those who die and for those who mourn the loss of loved ones – may you know God’s peace if you are mourning at this time.
Martin the Vicar